The interview takes places on IRC. Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is a beefier version of chat clients you may be used to, like AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) or Yahoo! Messenger.
Suggested clients:
Once you have downloaded, installed, and set up your IRC client, read on!
YOU MAY ONLY INTERVIEW WHEN YOU ARE AT HOME AND DIRECTLY CONNECTED. Mobile data connections, proxies, VPNs, Remote Desktops (TeamViewer, VNC, RDP, etc), bouncers (e.g., Quassel, The Lounge, ZNC, IRCcloud), shells, office lines, and other non-home connections (including using your friend's home connection) are not allowed. You may connect from your university dormitory. CLI clients (e.g., irssi, Weechat) are prohibited for the interview.
After you have connected to RED's IRC network, type: "/join #RED-invites" (without the quotation marks) and follow the directions in the topic.
In order to join the queue, you will have to take a speedtest on your home connection (remember, you may ONLY interview on your HOME CONNECTION!).
If you live at college, please explain this to your interviewer.
Back in #RED-invites, type: "!queue" (without the quotation marks) followed by your speedtest link. For example, !queue, or !queue, or !queue
Then wait for an interviewer to interview you. Be aware that a standard, passing interview can take between 1h and 2h. Be sure to have that amount of time available before joining the queue!
All of our interviewers are RED users who voluntarily interview, so you may have to wait a while before you are interviewed. Although it seems like a lot of interviewers are in the channel, many of them may be "idling" (they are in the channel but are unable to interview).
You are not required to focus all your attention to what is happening in the channel all the time. It is enough if you check your IRC client every ~20 minutes to see whether your interview has started or not. In the meantime, you can do something else.
Feel free to talk to others in #RED-invites about anything appropriate, but avoid interview topics and chatting while you are being interviewed.
Join #RED-interviewprep if you have initial or follow-up questions about the interview or the interview process.
Note: #RED-invites and #RED-interviewprep are the ONLY channels that you are allowed to join. Other channels are for RED users only.